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Sex work

NTSU wants to ensure all students who partake in sex work know where to access support.

Sex work is the exchange of sexual services, both involving direct physical contact and indirect sexual stimulation, for money or goods. Sex work is an umbrella term which includes webcam performers, actors and actresses in pornography, dancers in strip clubs, escorts, sugar babies, dominatrixes, phone-sex operators, as well as those selling sex at indoor and outside premises.

Sex work support available at POW Nottingham Ltd, a non-profit, voluntary organisation supporting the rights of sex workers and those at risk of being exploited:  Free and confidential sexual health screening and advice. Advice on online safety and advertising  Safety tips around online sex work  Debt and benefit advice  Incident reporting  Emotional wellbeing, support, and befriending  Harm minimisation supplies (condoms, lubricant, sponges etc.) 

You can also get support from National Ugly Mugs

Here are some tips for staying safe online.

Here’s a downloadable toolkit for student sex workers, including safety advice for direct and indirect sex work.