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Contraception & pregnancy

NTSU is committed to supporting students to make informed decisions when it comes to their sex life, especially with preventing unplanned pregnancy.

We are also here to support students who are pregnant, whether planned or not.

It Is not your partner’s responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Contraception is used to prevent unplanned pregnancy. Whilst condoms are the only form of contraception that also protects against STIs there are many different forms of contraception that might suit you more than others:

  • Short-acting contraceptives: Pills, patches, and rings
  • Male or female condoms
  • Long-acting contraceptives: Implant, IUD, IUS, Injection

*All are available free of charge.

To find out what contraception is best for you, get in touch with your GP or look at the options here.


If you think you may be pregnant you can take a pregnancy test about two weeks after conception or on the first day of your missed period. If you find out you are pregnant you can seek advice and/or make an appointment with one of our advisors.

We are aware that being pregnant whilst studying can cause new and unique challenges. We want you to be able to achieve your degree, despite these challenges. NTU has specialised support for students who are pregnant and can offer to help and support you with your course. You can also email