Report and Support

Report & Support is an online platform that makes reporting incidents quick and easy for our NTU community.

Everyone at NTU, whether studying, working, or visiting, has the right to feel safe. While we rarely experience behaviours from others that cause concern, when an incident occurs, we want it to be as easy as possible for you to tell us about it.

An easy way to report incidents

That's why the University has introduced Report + Support, an online platform for students, staff, and visitors to report sexual misconduct, harassment, bullying, discrimination or hate incidents. This new platform will allow us to investigate incidents swiftly, offer people support, and take appropriate action.

Students and staff can choose to make reports anonymously or with contact details. (However, we can only formally investigate and support people where contact details are provided.)

What happens if I make a report?

Students are asked what they want to happen with their report. Depending on the incident's nature, either Student Support Services or Academic Registry (or both) will respond to the student. Reports made by staff are reviewed by HR.

Students making a report or staff supporting a student with one can seek advice and guidance before or afterwards through our Student Peer Support Scheme.


To learn more or report an incident, visit NTU's Report + Support portal.