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Your Current Elections

Voting for our annual officer elections are now open.

Vote Now

The dates for this year’s elections are listed further down this page.

But, before we tell you when they’re happening, we want to explain what they are, who gets elected, and why you should get involved

Here’s what you need to know

NTSU is led by a team of six full-time executive officers (aka "the exec").

The exec are current students who NTU students elect to lead their Students' Union and represent the 35,000 people studying at NTU.

They attend high-level meetings to ensure your interests are considered when the University (and the Union) make decisions that affect you. They can influence everything from how your course is taught and assessed to what personal development opportunities and support for things such as the cost of living you can access while you're at Trent.

That's what we mean when we say our officers represent NTU students.

They do lots of work (much of it invisible) to ensure you have an excellent student experience at NTU.

While you may not notice what they do from day to day, we guarantee your university experience would be far different if they didn't exist, and you would definitely miss them.

Our term two elections give you the chance to apply to be an officer or to vote for who you would like to become one and represent you next year.

Officers elected in this year's election will take office in July 2025 and be in post for the 2025-26 academic year.

Now you understand a bit about what our elected reps do and why they're important, you have a couple of options.

You can either:

  1. Nominate yourself to become an officer
  2. Vote for the people you want to represent you next year and influence decisions that will affect you and other students.

Being an elected officer is a unique experience that lays the groundwork for your future career.

Like most personal development opportunities, it's good for your CV and will help you build your network. But it also offers real-world experience running a business or leading a community.

That's super-valuable and hard to come by. Which is why you should seriously consider running for a position this February.

Read our key election documents

You can nominate yourself for any position (and one position only) on this website from midday Monday 14th Feb - midday Friday 25th Feb.

Note, to nominate yourself for a position on a society, sports club, or E&D network, you must be a current member of the relevant group. To nominate yourself to be a campus or School Officer, you must study at the relevant campus or school.

We have full-time and part-time positions available. Which one is right for you will depend on your plans after this academic year.

To run for a full-time position, you will either need to be graduating this summer or be willing to take a year out from your studies (this should be discussed with your course leader before you nominate yourself). If you're planning on studying next year, you should consider one of our part-time roles instead.

Full-time exec roles

The six full-time positions available on our exec team are:

  • President
  • VP Education
  • VP Postgraduate
  • VP Community and Welfare
  • VP Opportunities
  • VP Sport

Any current NTU student graduating in June 2025, or willing to take a year out, can apply for these roles. You will require the permission of your course to take time out.

Full-time Officers earn a full-time salary (£24,653). 

(Only postgraduate students can apply for the VP Postgraduate role.)


Part-time roles

If you’re planning on studying at Trent next year, we have several part-time positions you can nominate yourself for instead, including:

Brackenhurst Officer

Represent your fellow students studying at Brackenhurst Campus. You’ll also be a part-time member of NTSU's exec team and board of trustees.

(Only students studying at Brackenhurst Campus can apply for this role.)

Mansfield Officer

Represent your fellow students studying at Mansfield Campus.

(Only students studying at Mansfield Campus can apply for this role.)


Sports Club Committee

Members of sports clubs can run for a position on the sport committee.

Photos are not required for these nominations. If photos are submitted, they will be removed prior to your nomination being published.

Society Committee

Members of societies can run for a position on the society committee.

Photos are not required for these nominations. If photos are submitted, they will be removed prior to your nomination being published.


Part-time roles are voluntary and unpaid, offering valuable experience and personal growth opportunities.

All posts begin July 2025 and last for 12 months.

Exec officers must be available for the last two weeks of June to attend their training.

Confetti Officer

As of September 2025, all Confetti undergraduate and postgraduate courses will be delivered by Nottingham School of Art & Design. Only further education (FE) courses will remain under Confetti. As Confetti FE students are not NTU/NTSU members, there is no longer a role for this campus in our elections. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact elections@su.ntu.ac.uk.

Equality & Diversity Networks

Since their launch in 2020, the networks have consistently had poor engagement with both the committee roles and the networks themselves. In the last academic year, we received no nominations for these positions. This is one of the driving motivations behind our current democracy review, as we recognise the need to find an approach that works for our students.

There are currently no functioning networks for students to elect members from, and we are working to find alternative ways to reach our diverse membership.

If you are interested in being involved in the democracy review, please reach out to us at elections@su.ntu.ac.uk. In the meantime, here are some alternative resources that you might find useful.

There are multiple Elections Documents that you may find useful.

It is important that you carefully read these documents before nominating yourself for a role.

Click here to see the full list of all our Key Elections Documents.

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Sounds good! How can I nominate myself?

You'll need to choose the position you want to apply for, explain why you think you'd be a good fit for the role, and upload a suitable photo of yourself. If you run for a position on our exec team, you can’t nominate yourself for any other role.

Read our key election documents

Know someone who'd be a good officer? Recommend them here

What about voting?

Voting will take place between midday, Friday 7th March and midday, Thursday 13th March via our app.

Candidates will take part in Q&A sessions before voting week to help students decide who to vote for. The dates, times, and formats of these sessions are listed below.

The election results will be calculated via the alternative transferable voting system and announced live at our elections results night on Friday 15th March.

Elections 2025 Timeline

Here are the key dates for each stage of the elections:

  • Nominations Open: Monday 10th February, midday
  • Nominations Close: Friday 21st February, midday
  • Elections Candidate Q&As:
    • Clifton: Tuesday 4th March, 6–8pm
    • Brackenhurst: Wednesday 5th March, 6–8pm
    • City: Thursday 6th March, 6–8pm
  • Voting Opens: Friday 7th March, midday
  • Voting Closes: Thursday 13th March, midday
  • Results Announced: Friday 14th March, 4pm

What else should I know?

If you’re thinking of running, please read the elections rules and election regulations documents.

If you have any questions email elections@su.ntu.ac.uk .