
  • Dark blue club logo


Pokéfans, Welcome!

Whether you're new to the world of Pokémon, or a long-term fan, this society is for you!

The Academic Year of 2024-2025 is indeed a year like no other. We will be hosting most of our events in person and within our society Discord to ensure that all of you are able to take the time to get to know each other and so that we're able to bring you events that we'd otherwise be unable to do online. We will regularly be hosting events throughout the year such as tournaments done through both the video games and trading card game or exploring the city of nottingham through our society walks with Pokemon go, allowing our members to discover more of Nottingham. So if you're looking to make friends, test your mettle, just hunt some shiny Pokémon or to just ultimately hang out and talk about the franchise then we are the society for you!

Everyone is more than welcome to join! We also implore you all to join our Discord Server as that will be keeping everyone up to date on the latest events in the society.

Discord Server:




Committee Team

  • President - Daniel Buckley
  • Vice President - Jason Churcher 
  • Social Secretary - Ellie Duckworth  
