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Welcome to Nottingham Trent’s Law Society - NTSU's SOCIETY OF THE YEAR 21/22 & INCLUSIVITY AWARD 23/24 WINNER!

We represent all students who study or are interested in the law here at NTU - you don’t need to be a law student to be part of our society; we welcome anyone and everyone! 

We cater to all student groups, from freshers to postgraduates, with a wide variety of fun and exciting events being held throughout the year.

Not only does our society hold events that will aid and develop your future career, including talks from various guest speakers, key-skills workshops, our popular 'Networking Dinner' and other academic events and competitions, but we also take pride in being a social society! We host your classic Ocean Wednesday and other fun celebrations, but we also host more relaxed social events that cater to those of you who want to make friends in a more chilled-out environment.

We will be continuing our mindfulness initiative, where we will be hosting a variety of events to help improve and promote the positive well-being and mental health of our members!

Membership is only £5 for the entire year! - That's nothing when you look at the high calibre of events we provide, with the majority of them being free!

Keep an eye on our social media for updates on our upcoming events and opportunities and drop us an email if you have any questions. 

We can't wait for you to join us!

Social Media / Contact: 

Email  Instagram  Instagram

*Our Facebook page is inactive. Please contact us through email or Instagram, but feel free to explore what our society has done in previous years, all listed on the page*


President: Louis Hancock

Vice President: Nathan Mukoro

Secretary: Lucas Hooker

Postgraduate Officer: Alex Fuery

Careers Officer: Scarlett Castledine

Competitions Officer: Paige Chantler Dobson

Welfare & Diversity Officer: Amirah Jan-Hayer

Social Secretary: Esme Whitehead

Social Secretary: Bea Poultney