Believers' Love World

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BLW NOTTINGHAM TRENT: 'The Protagonist Church'                                                                                                                                        Christian student-led campus fellowship. Interested and invested in the Nottingham Trent community and in students through support derived from christian doctrine.

This society shall have the following aims: 1. Providing a space where individuals can be comfortable in their truth. As a Christian society, we want people to participate comfortably. 2. Ensuring new individuals can experience the christian faith through church services, interactive social events that provide opportunities for all backgrounds of students. 3. To help individuals to grow in understanding to ensure also that they are having beneficiary involvement to the society and the school.

This society shall have the following objectives: 1. Will aid the university in establishing student mental wellness and attitude. Also guding their academic development to improve performance in academics. 2. Will give students the platform to express their voice relating to their academic lifestyle and their faith. By having varying outreaches (social nights), programmes, and debates. 3. Leave them with the foundational knowledge of Christianity from the word (Bible) aswell as the demonstration of the character of the Holy Spirit. Building their principles concerning  life.

For more information regarding service times, bible study contact via the below platforms: