We are run by a team of officers (more commonly known as "the Exec") who are elected annually and accountable to the entire student body.
We offer a variety of opportunities to enhance your university experience, from socialising and personal development to representation and advice.
Learn more about what we do below.
As a democratic organisation, NTSU is run by you, our members. As an NTU student, you have the power to change your University experience through a variety of democratic processes.
Electing your Exec officers in our annual elections and submitting Big Ideas for improvements you'd like to see at the University or Students' Union are just a couple of them, but you have other ways too.
Our coffee shops, bars, and diners are great places to meet friends, chill, and grab a bite to eat or a drink between classes. We have outlets on each of NTU's three main campuses.
With a calendar of social events running on all campuses every week during term, our entertainments team are devoted to bringing you the best student-friendly events in town. So, whatever your taste or campus of study, you can experience student life at NTU to the full.
We offer a wide range of opportunities to get involved in alongside your studies. Our societies and communities allow you to try new things, meet new people, and develop new skills. We have over 100 you can join, from books and Bollywood to cocktails and conservation.
Student wellbeing is one of our top priorities, so we have our own Information and Advice Service that provides free, independent, confidential advice to all NTU students. Whether you're looking for guidance on money management, mental health, housing, or your studies, they're here to help. We also have lots of online advice and tips for student life to help you avoid common problems.
We work alongside NTU to give all NTU students access to inclusive sporting opportunities during their time at uni. You can compete as part of a team by joining one of more than 50 sports clubs or play for fun if you'd prefer.
NTSU is a not-for-profit organisation. The money you spend in our shops, venues and events is reinvested to fund services, opportunities and representation activities for our members. Services like our societies, communities, elected student reps, Give It A Go programme, personal development opportunities, events, on-campus venues, and our award-winning Information & Advice Service.
If you would like to have your say on how we spend our profits and the services we deliver for you, the best ways to do this are:
These websites are part of the Nottingham Trent Students' Union family, supporting our vibrant student community:
Trent Events | Trent Freshers | The Level| nottsvarsity
© Nottingham Trent Students’ Union. Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1 4GH
Registered Charity No. 1154401 | Company No. 08738730
Email: info@su.ntu.ac.uk | Tel: 0115 848 6200