Category: Welfare
After reviewing the reaction of students had to this idea, student council unanimously agreed not to proceed with this Big Idea.
Due to recent events there has been a highlight that theres an evident security oversight within our campuses, I would like to reccomend more security features are introduced - like compulsory lanyards for students and staffs on-campus. More specifically the recent events that have transpired have surely increased doubts in people on the fact that anyone can enter campus, this itself would be fine if we can assume no one has malicious intent. We live in a time that attacks on people are not neccessarly with any motive and could happen at any point - I think this measure would help combat this and help alot of students and staffs feel safer on campus.
I suggest the university makes it compulsory to where a lanyard of any type that has your NTU student card in the holder on said lanyard, as well as this I suggest that the university makes it a right to question anyone they feel are being suspicious or campus - or atleast contact and pass it on to a member of staff.
Not really. By saying this then one may interpret this as we should have a uniform and that's one of the reasons why people enjoying going to uni is to not have a uniform. Besides you have to have your student card to enter buildings anyway so it makes your suggesting moot?