We are a democratic, member-led organisation. That means that you, the students of NTU, can influence how we work. We listen to what you and other students have to say and then act accordingly to improve your student experience.
If you want the SU to change or work on something, we'll try to make it happen. If you want to change something at NTU, then we use our power to influence the University and try to make that happen for you too. In short, the best way to improve your university experience is to engage with NTSU.
There are many ways for you to have your say through the Students' Union, including:
Use the links below to learn more about how you can have your say while at NTU.
These websites are part of the Nottingham Trent Students' Union family, supporting our vibrant student community:
Trent Events | Trent Freshers | The Level| nottsvarsity
© Nottingham Trent Students’ Union. Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1 4GH
Registered Charity No. 1154401 | Company No. 08738730
Email: info@su.ntu.ac.uk | Tel: 0115 848 6200