NTU Latin Dance Society

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Dress as your Degree Night Salsa Class + Social - Latin Dance

Join us for a special themed Salsa night at Glasshouse - Dress as Your Degree! Whether you’re studying architecture, medicine, engineering, or something totally unique, show off your degree with a fun outfit and get ready for an amazing night of Salsa!


Class Schedule & Tickets:

6:40pm – 7:40pm: Beginners Class

This session is perfect for anyone new to salsa, Latin dance, or at the early stages of learning. We’ll cover the basic fundamentals, introduce some beginner-friendly moves, and ensure you feel comfortable on the dance floor. No prior experience needed!

7:55pm – 8:55pm: Intermediate Class

Designed for those with more experience or dancers ready for a challenge. If you’ve been dancing for a while or feel comfortable with the basics and want to take things to the next level, this class is for you.

9pm onwards: Social Dancing and Games

After the class, stick around for our social where we'll be playing games, getting to know eachother and enjoying drinks in a relaxed atmosphere! It's the perfect chance to unwind, meet fellow members, and have fun.

Ticket Options:

    •    Beginners Class Ticket (6:40 – 7:40pm)

    •    Intermediate Class Ticket (7:55 – 8:55pm)

    •    Full Evening Pass (Access to both classes)

*Tickets close soon, so grab yours ASAP to secure your spot!

Important Information:

Please ensure you choose the ticket that matches your skill level. Beginners should only attend the earlier session to allow space for intermediate dancers later. If you feel comfortable with both levels, select the Full Evening Pass to attend both sessions.

We look forward to dancing with you - see you on the dance floor!


Venue : Glasshouse

Type: City campus, Just for fun, Society events, Wellbeing

Start Date: Wednesday 05-03-2025 - 18:40

End date: Wednesday 05-03-2025 - 21:00


Contact Details

Latin Dance Committee
