2023 restart - a warm welcome and our aims and objectives

Thursday 31-08-2023 - 23:18
Investment cover image

The 2023 academic year is nearly upon us - we are proud to announce the restart of Investment Society!

We have lots planned this year...and we want YOU to join us on on one of our many activities. But to start the year off right, we would like to start by sharing why we have started, what we aim to achieve and what we have planned for society this year.

Your committee: 

President: Jaedon Munton N1098983@my.ntu.ac.uk

Vice-President: Lyndon Mukandavire N1072560@my.ntu.ac.uk

Social Secretary: Neha Ganpath N1152637@my.ntu.ac.uk

If you are interested in a committee role - join society, get involved and prepare for this year's NTSU elections. As a member-led democratic organisation, all positions are up for grabs! We are member led so you input can help shape the society you want. 

Our aims:

  • Provide a space to make friends, explore shared interests and gain skills to help achieve your dream career. 

Our objectives:

  • To provide a collaborative and supportive space to learn financial skills.
  • To exposure members to new ideas and stimulate and develop an interest in finance and investment.
  • To have fun and test your skills by competing against other organisations and students. 

This is our mandate, as committee, to you, our members. Together we can create a place to share our interests, chase our aspirations and have fun while doing it. 

Look out for updates and we look forward to seeing you at the start of term. If you are new to university and want a strong setup to have the best experience you can, we are the society for you.

Drop us a line and come to our first casual meeting - date TBD. 

Follow our social media or drop us an email at investmentsociety@su.ntu.ac.uk for more info. If you would like to become a member, register via the NTSU website. 

Here's to the start of an excellent year.

We look forward to you joining us!

-Investment Society Committee



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