Thursday 11-02-2021 - 19:56
Hey Cocktail Lovers!
Here are the minutes from our Annual General Meeting on 11/02/2021 for those who missed the event and want to know any changes that will be made in the society in 2021/2022:
1. Welcome and introductions
- Each committee member introduced themselves and briefly outlined their role.
2. Attendance and apologies
- No apologies as all committee members present.
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
- No pending/past matters to discuss.
4. President’s report regarding the society’s achievements over the last year:
- Statement in regard to COVID-19, events and achievements are not what they wanted when to be and apologised.
- Held 2 in person training sessions before COVID-19 rules changed and continued to try and engage society in online training sessions.
- Large push towards charity events – Mind cocktail session, 2800 Squats in February, 27 27 Mind fundraiser.
- Try to continue with enjoyable, engaging online events for the rest of the year.
5. Treasurer’s report regarding society finances
- Lots of funds in the account due to minimal expenditures this year
- Replenished equipment and glassware at the beginning of the year
- Lots of funds to put towards next years events
6. Approval of amendments to the society constitution including committee positions
- Voted to keep all roles, as they work well
7. Any other business
- Discussion with members about decreasing membership from £7 to £5, members voted in favour of this.
- This is due to COVID-19 limiting events for foreseeable future therefore we believe the price should reflect what we can currently offer.
- New committee will discuss the price decrease.
- Any other comments about what the society can do differently or does well welcomed by president, no further comments