Rep Development Programme - Elections 101 Clifton

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This event has expired or is no longer available.

Rep Development Programme - Elections 101 Clifton

Elections 101 Clifton - NTSU is a democratic, member-led organisation, run by a team of officers, aka the 'Exec', who are elected annually and accountable for the entire student body. These sessions aim to inform you about how we run elections at NTSU and if you're interested in running or helping a friend campaign then come along and ask us what it might entail! Or even if you're just interested about SU democractic procedures, this is a great opportunity to see what goes into it all!


These sessions are exclusive to the Rep Development Programme. Please only sign up if you are available to attend on the day, as failing to do so may take this opportunitity away from someone else. We recommend that you block this time into your diary now so that you don't forget!


Venue : NTSU Clifton Training Room

Type: Clifton campus, Skills training & workshops

Start Date: Tuesday 21-01-2025 - 12:00

End date: Tuesday 21-01-2025 - 13:00

Capacity: 14

Contact Details
