Axe Throwing League

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  • Axe Throwing League Axed Nottingham Friday 04-11-2022 - 18:30 until Friday 04-11-2022 - 20:30

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Axe Throwing League

THE FIRST EVER NTSU AXE THROWING LEAGUE: City vs Clifton vs Brack vs Confetti

Got good aim? Unleash your competitive streak as you challenge each other to hit the targets round after round.

This thrilling modern sport involves chucking an axe at a wooden target in interactive digital games such as Last Axe Standing. You will compete in teams of eight to win some awesome prizes! May the best campus win...


1st place – free axe throwing session for 2 people, 3 drinks tokens, 4 week membership

2nd place – free axe throwing session for 2 people, 2 drink tokens, 2 week membership  

3rd place – free axe throwing session for 1 person, 1 drink token, 2 week membership 


Axed Nottingham has qualified instructors who will teach you axe throwing skills and guide you through the games

Meet at City SU Reception by 6:30PM to be greeted by our Welcome Assistant who will walk you as a group to the venue, alternatively, meet at Axed Nottingham in the Cornerhouse by 7PM.

Prices normally £14 but Give It A Go offers this at £7 so don't miss out on this deal!!

Refunds will only be processed if you contact us three working days prior to the event.


Venue : Axed Nottingham

Type: Brackenhurst, City campus, Clifton campus, Confetti, Games & gaming, Give It A Go, Just for fun, Sport

Start Date: Friday 04-11-2022 - 18:30

End date: Friday 04-11-2022 - 20:30

Capacity: 32


Contact Details

Opportunities Team

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