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Waste and recycling


Curbside waste collection varies across the country. (And, somewhat confusingly, varies across Nottinghamshire too.)

Here's how to correctly sort your waste and use the appropriate bins while living in Nottingham.



Green Bins: Where non-recyclables find their home. No more waste guilt – this is your eco-responsible disposal zone.


Brown Bins (Grey Lid): Unleash your recycling champ. Paper, plastic, glass, tins, and cardboard have VIP seats. Our guide makes recycling a breeze.


Brown Bins (Brown Lid): Garden gurus, meet your new friends. Garden waste turns into composting magic.


Plus, never miss a collection day with our reminders. No more chasing trucks or guessing bin days. We've got you covered for a smooth waste journey.


Whether in the city or suburbs, let's turn waste separation into an eco-friendly adventure.



Hello West Bridgford residents. Get ready for a recycling adventure that's uniquely Rushcliffe. Let's dive in and make our planet dance with joy.


Grey Bins: Waste Warriors Meet the Grey Bins – heroes of non-recyclable waste. They keep your space tidy and waste managed responsibly.


Blue Bins: Recycling Haven Discover the magic of Blue Bins. They're your portal to recycle plastic, paper, glass, tins, and cardboard. Embrace sustainable living with confidence.


Green Bins: Garden's Delight  Green Bins care for garden waste. Collection days may vary, but their charm remains constant. Keep your garden flourishing


Get Your Bin: Join the Eco-Party. No bin yet? Rushcliffe Council has your back. Request one online and spread the recycling magic.


Glass Recycling: Timeless Elegance Raise your glass to glass recycling. Bottles and jars are VIPs here. 100% recyclable, endlessly elegant.


Let's shape a greener future, Rushcliffe residents Embrace recycling and let sustainability light up our lives.


Rushcliffe Borough Council

Find My Bin Day (

Rushcliffe - Why Recycle?

Rushcliffe - Bin Collections



Brown Bin (Garden Waste): - Green thumbs, unite. Your brown bin is the garden's VIP lounge. Fill it with greenery, but no plastic bags, food waste, or big logs. Keep it green and clean!


Recycling Bin (Blue Bin): - Calling all recyclers! Your blue bin is ready to party with paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, and more. It's a recycling extravaganza! No shredded paper or Tetra packs. Let's keep it clean and green!


General Waste: - The green bin is your non-recyclable haven. No recyclables allowed, please.


Glass Recycling: - Cheers to glass!  Empty and clean glass bottles and jars are the life of the party. But no oven-proof glass or mirrors. Let's keep it classy and glassy!


Get ready to dance to the waste and recycling beat, Mansfield! Let's make waste management fun and eco-friendly.


Mansfield District Council

Bins and recycling – Mansfield District Council 



Silver Bin (Recycling):


- Paper power Newspapers, envelopes, magazines, and junk mail are welcome. - Tin can treasures Food tins, drink cans, aerosol cans find a new home. - Cardboard creativity Cereal boxes, egg boxes, and tubes get a second chance. - Plastics party  Drink bottles, shower gel, shampoo, cleaning product bottles, yoghurt pots, and margarine tubs join in.


Green Bin:


- Green is for the not-so-recyclable champs Non-recyclable waste finds its place. - Keep out: soil, bricks, concrete, tires, car parts, building rubble, stones, paints, oils, solvents, fixtures.


Glass Recycling: - Cheers to glass. Empty and clean glass bottles and jars are the life of the party. But no oven-proof glass or mirrors. Let's keep it classy and glassy.


Get ready to dance to the waste and recycling beat, Mansfield! Let's make waste management fun and eco-friendly.


Newark and Sherwood District Council 

Home Page - Bin Collection Day (


Green-Lidded Bin (Recycling): Get ready for a recycling symphony Newspapers, tins, cans, cardboard, plastic bottles - they're the stars. No shredded paper or pizza boxes, please. Bi-weekly magic, set out by 6 am.


Blue-Lidded Bin (Glass Recycling): Glass bottles and jars shine here. Others, not invited. For glass rescue, head to a recycling point. Share a bin or connect with us for glass game-changing.


Red-Lidded Bin (General Waste):


Open for the ultimate waste fiesta! Crisp packets, takeaway containers, plastic bags - welcome! Batteries go solo. Big items? Call us for a bulky collection.


Brown-Lid or Black Bin (Garden Waste):


Garden lovers, unite! £28/year for extra greenery fun. Sign up for fortnightly leafy joy March to September.


Ashfield, let's recycle, rejuvenate, and rock this eco-friendly rhythm together


Ashfield District Council

Bin collection calendar - find out when next collection is - Ashfield District Council 



Hello, Bassetlaw recycling champs.  Let's groove to the beat of recycling with Bassetlaw District Council's fantastic guidelines:


Blue Bin Bonanza: Your blue bin is a treasure trove for paper wonders - newspapers, envelopes, magazines, and more. Tin-tastic trio: food tins, drinks cans, and aerosols are in. Cardboard fans, cereal boxes, egg boxes, and tubes party here. Plastics shine - bottles, shower gel, shampoo, cleaning product bottles, yoghurt pots, and margarine tubs. Glass bottles and jars hit the bottle bank, not the blue bin.


Green Bin Guidelines: Sort non-recyclables from recyclables. Green bins welcome unrecyclables, wrapped kitchen waste, secure nappies, and plastic food trays. No-go: electrical items, commercial waste, heavyweights like soil, rubble, and bricks.


Brown Bin Brilliance: Garden gurus, listen up! Brown bins are a haven for green waste: grass, leaves, twigs, small branches, weeds, cut flowers. No food waste, plastic bags, treated wood, or stone-turf combo.


Bassetlaw, let's recycle with power! Keep neighbourhoods clean, bins happy, and our planet proud.


Bassetlaw District Council 

Bin collection days | Bassetlaw District Council



Hello, recycling wizards of Gedling. Get set for enchanting recycling with Gedling Borough Council's guide:


Recycle Wizards' Toolkit: Mixed paper & card, dry and flattened. Cardboard, cereal and egg boxes, and tape-free packaging. Catalogues, brochures, directories, greetings cards (glitter-free!), newspapers, magazines, and paper – no tiny bits.


Metallic Marvels and Can Conjurers: Clean food tins, drink cans, and aerosols. Even cartons and large tins (not foil-lined) are in.


 Plastic Wizardry: Clean plastic bottles with lids, tubs, and pots – yogurt and margarine.


Recycle NO’s: No bagged waste, batteries (plastic bag on bin, not car or industrial batteries), cardboard/plastic takeaway packaging (food-free only), cling film, crisp packets, foil, or food & drink waste (no tea bags, egg shells).


Forbidden: punnet packaging, garden waste (brown bin), glass (glass box), large metal biscuit/sweet tins, light bulbs, mirrors, nappies, paper tissue, pet food pouches, plastic bags, trays, polystyrene, Pyrex, shredded paper, spray bottle tops, sticky labels, Tetra Paks, textiles, and wallpaper.


Gedling, let's wield recycling magic and make our community an eco-magical realm.


Gedling Borough Council 

Refuse Collection Day (


What you can and can't recycle

Always check the packaging to see if it can or can't be recycled. Here are a few common unknowns about recycling.

  • You should rinse food residue from food packaging before recycling it.
  • Greasy pizza boxes cannot be recycled, but you can tear off the non-greasy top side and recycle it (while the rest goes into general waste).
  • Crisp packets, chocolate wrappers, and other foil or film-lined items are non-recyclable.
  • Plastic carrier bags can't go in curbside recycling, but they can be recycled at large supermarkets. Save and reuse them instead. the same approach applies to items such as bread bags, etc.
  • Bottle caps cannot be recycled locally and should be placed in your general waste.
  • Cling film and tin foil cannot be recycled at curbside recycling points. Make sure these go in your general waste instead.


Check My Bin Collection Day and Download Your Bin Calendar